
Permanent members


Professor – IUT A, Toulouse

Deux axes principaux caractérisent mes travaux, axes qui par ailleurs se rejoignent :
– Les entreprises familiales. Formes « singulières » d’entreprises (même si elles sont dominantes dans le monde), elles présentent généralement des performances supérieures à celles des entreprises non-familiales. Elles sont gérées sur la durée, elles mettent en place des stratégies différenciées dans tous les domaines.
– La gestion des multinationales et les spécificités du contrôle des unités distantes. Les questions inhérentes, à la fois aux problématiques de contrôle (au sens large) et de Gestion Internationale des Ressources Humaines demeurent cruciales dans notre monde actuel. En ce qui concerne mes travaux, elles sont fondamentalement orientées vers la présence des multinationales françaises en Asie.

Two main themes characterize my academic work axes that also meet:
– Family businesses. Considered as “singular” businesses (even if they are dominant in the world), they generally have higher performance than non-family businesses. They are managed « in the long run », they implement differentiated strategies in all areas.
– MNCs management and control of subsidiaries. Different issues are involved, both to control issues (broadly speaking) and International Human Resources Management. Regarding my work, they are fundamentally oriented towards the presence of French MNCs in Asia.

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Professor – IUT A, Toulouse

My work s & rsquo; part mainly in behavioral finance and sustainable finance.

The first approach is to study the phenomena of- and under-reaction in the financial markets and the limits to the theory of & rsquo; efficiency of these.

More recently, and after leading a company in the ecological / sustainable construction, my research s & rsquo; interest compensation mechanisms and carbon markets and the & rsquo; assessment of environmental externalities.

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Email: Micheal.kaestner[at]


Professor – IUT A, Toulouse

The management of behavior and attitudes to work is a crucial angle analysis to understand the functioning of organizations and success of management systems. The Human Resource Management course supports reflection on reconciling economic and social. In this perspective, my research to center around 3 major themes :

  • HR practices aimed at promoting CSR in the organization (sponsorship skills, simulation recruitment method, vis-à-vis equity territories ...)
  • attitudes and behavior in the career management field (proactivity, retraining, career security ...)
  • emotions at work in a global reflection on Occupational Health (stress, job insecurity, work - family conflict ...).

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Email: anne-laure.gatignon-turnau[at]


Professor – FSI

My research areas were built and developed around three main themes :

The first object for marketing issues related to the creation, management and enhancement of relationships and social interactions between organizations and their customers. This is to understand the strategic and operating voltages into play when market players, to develop their activities, "Dress" offers their non-market elements. What we called the socio-cultural background of the offer allows us to address issues around the type of social link offered by the market but also the resistances and alternatives which he is subject.

The second concerns the apprehension of consumption in a comprehensive reading. This is to see how the consumer representations and practices make sense in reference to membership in the underlying cultures (from. regional, migration, gendered, social etc.). It is from these cultural registers that can understand the role of consumption, and thus the market as providers of resources and skills, in identity construction contemporary individuals.

The third theme, committed more recently, resumes previous issues but in the more normative goal to offer a reading and consumption changes support practices induced by the struggle against global warming. This is an interest in understanding the consumption of alternative development methods, collaborative and responsible by identifying psychological barriers, social and organizational.

Transverse way, I mobilize : methodologically essentially qualitative methods (Interviews, ethnography, life stories, photo-elicitation) ; at the theoretical level, socio-anthropological approaches (culture, socialization, don, lien social, identity, power). These tools are also potentially useful for new courses and managerial questioning beyond one marketing field, such as management and managerial innovation or strategy and positioning organizations.

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Email: eric.remy[at]


MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

My research is part of financial accounting in s & rsquo; especially interesting reporting practices / disclosure of the & rsquo; financial information companies / organizations and behavioral interactions that underlie the relationship between companies / organizations and stakeholders in the production s & rsquo; financial reporting in the context of developing countries (PED) including African countries. My work seeks to contextualize the strategic interactions of the players by placing them in their social constraints, physical and institutional. Regulatory institutions are not strong in most d & rsquo countries Africa, giving way to what is called the ” institutional vacuum “, which enables companies to replace the government (legislator) in how they s & rsquo; meeting their social and economic responsibilities and related reports.

Email: serge.agbodjo[at]

Frédérique ALLARD


Spécialisée en études organisationnelles et en ingénierie des projets de développement, je m’intéresse à l’action collective et au travail à plusieurs depuis ma recherche doctorale (“The dynamics of organizational integration : constructivist approach and case study”, 1999). Après une recherche-action à l’AEROSPATIALE-AVIONS (1988-1993), je me suis tournée vers d’autres organisations. Mes travaux se sont notamment déployés dans les univers de l’artisanat (réseau Artisanat & Université, 2006-2011) et du développement territorial (PSDR INGEDICO 2008-2011). Depuis 2012, c’est aux coopératives en général, aux CAE (coopératives d’activités et d’emploi) en particulier que je m’attache, dans le cadre d’un programme collectif porté par l’équipe EmPmO du LGCO (UPS) et en partenariat avec le monde coopératif. Sur le registre pédagogique, je suis actuellement responsable du Master 2 en Ingénierie des Organisations, parcours Entrepreneuriat et Management des Petites et Moyennes Organisations (campus de Tarbes) après d’autres responsabilités dans le cursus de formation ( Ces expériences ont justifié mon implication, avec deux autres collègues de l’équipe EmPmO (Ketty Bravo et Stéphanie Loup), dans le programme PEPITE dédié au développement de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant. Depuis 2014, je suis chargée des questions de formation de PEPITE ECRIN, le pôle Entrepreneuriat Etudiant de l’Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.

AMANS Pascale

MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

ARNAUD Charlene


Main fields of observation : the cultural and creative sector (approach through territorial public policies and social and solidarity organizations) and the agro-food sector (different forms of agricultural cooperation and territorial public policies allowing an agro-ecological transition)

Fields of expertise :

(1) A territorialized approach to management (integration into the current of Strategic Territorial Management) : territorial strategies, territorial governance, leadership territorial, territorial proximity, public policy evaluation ;

(2) An organizational approach : hybrid and alternative organizations (organizational tensions, institutional logic, governance, organizational democracy) and public organizations (change management, institutional logic, innovations)

Research Methodologies : predominantly qualitative approach - interpretive positioning - action-research and training-action protocols

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Isabelle ARTHUS


Specializing in management control, I am interested in the evaluation of performance in organizations, particularly the information must have managers to make decisions, to launch an activity, as well as supporting tools.

Sur le registre pédagogique, je suis actuellement responsable du Master 1 MSI (Information system management) course EMPMO (Entrepreneurship and Management PMO) you half (Management International Air Transport and Tourism) Tarbes on campus.

AUBRY Carolina

MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

My research interest in the 'risk manager' (FRM) in large French companies :
– the birth of the FRM. The recent history of risk management used to date and explain the creation of the FRM, to identify the actors of the emergence, to propose an interpretation, to put into perspective its future developments ;
– identifying the FRM : are doing RM ? What is their role in the organization ? We propose a reading activity and organizational RM up and FRM around customer issues and authority and put into perspective their future developments. Aggregation analysis by the activity and the place of RM in the organization will help bring out the organizational roles of FRM.
The work on the FRM find their meaning in the timeliness of risk management issues : the major French companies implement Enterprise-wide-Risk Management and FRM has become a challenge for the Boards. These issues meet the reflections of the Association for Risk Management and the Business of Insurance (AMRAE) the function (value created, role) and echo the questions of RM. These elements should also encourage further work on the identification of the FRM (typology of roles) and the question of its professionalization.

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Email: caroline.aubry[at]

PRAY Didier

MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

La littérature sur le management de la chaîne logistique est indissociable d’une modification profonde des rapports entre les acteurs de la logistique. Au sein de la littérature en management stratégique et en logistique, et en tant qu’activité localisée et inter-organisationnelle à l’interface de nombreuses parties prenantes, les plates-formes logistiques multimodales apparaissent comme un point de convergence incontournable de la compétitivité des entreprises et des territoires. In this perspective, nous cherchons à comprendre la réalité de l’articulation entre l’architecture organisationnelle des plates-formes logistiques multimodales et leur compétitivité ex-ante.
Mots clés : architecture organisationnelle, compétitivité, plate-forme logistique multimodale, management de la chaine logistique.

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Email: didier.bede[at]



Mes recherches portent sur les besoins des investisseurs en informations financières et comptables. Plus particulièrement, je m’intéresse au cas des investisseurs institutionnels qui, en raison de leurs compétences et du type de relation d’agence dans laquelle ils se trouvent, ont des besoins en informations spécifiques.
Indeed, l’investisseur institutionnel se trouve dans une double relation d’agence et est amené à jouer le rôle d’un agent professionnel. Il s’agit donc de s’interroger sur son comportement lors de sa prise de décision d’investissement et lors de la reddition de compte qu’il effectue à son client.
Les études menées se basent sur des méthodes qualitatives (entretiens semi-directifs, content analysis, analyse factorielle…) et quantitatives (expérimentation, tests des effets indirects…).

Email: fatem-zahra.bouzoubaa[at]



Spécialisée en Gestion des Ressources Humaines et management des équipes transverses, je m’intéresse aux nouvelles formes de travail et particulièrement aux modèles d’entrepreneuriat depuis ma recherche doctorale (“The feeling of professional achievement in the experience of solo work : mesure, determinants, and consequences “, Montpellier University 3, 2005). Recrutée depuis 2006 à l’Université Paul Sabatier, mes travaux se sont développés dans l’univers de l’artisanat (réseau Artisanat & Université, 2006-2011) et depuis 2012, dans celui des Coopératives d’Activités et d’Emploi dans le cadre d’un programme collectif porté par l’équipe EmPmO du LGCO. Sur le registre pédagogique, je suis actuellement responsable de la licence en Gestion sur le campus de Tarbes, préparatoire au Master en Ingénierie des Organisations, parcours Entrepreneuriat et Management des Petites et Moyennes Organisations ( Depuis 2014, je suis investie dans le programme PEPITE dédié au développement de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant en tant que Référente Entrepreneuriat Etudiant de PEPITE ECRIN, le pôle Entrepreneuriat Etudiant de l’Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.

CHERUY Clémence

MCF – IUT de Tarbes

Research topics : User Innovation in Digital Environmentspan,en>


MCF – IUT de Tarbes

L’intégration des principes du développement durable au sein de la gestion courante et stratégique des entreprises (processus de production, processus d’approvisionnement, choix d’implantation et d’investissement) et la mise en œuvre d’une démarche de Responsabilité Sociale (CSR) sont devenues ces dernières années des préoccupations majeures pour les entreprises. La recherche sur le management de la RSE interroge le rôle de l’entreprise dans la société et traite des réponses apportées par l’entreprise aux attentes et sollicitations de la société. In this perspective, n​os recherches portent sur la dimension territoriale de la RSE en contexte international (ancrage territorial des multinationales, contribution aux démarches de développement territorial durable), sur les outils de déploiement d’une démarche de RSE et sur le management stratégique de la RSE.​

OLD Nathalie



MCF – IUT de Tarbes

Understand the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations, raise issues of major interest. In this context, it is clear that much research highlight their determinants and consequences that remain constantly renewed. In these perspectives, my research themes propose to develop several areas of organizational behavior. Each concordant central axes for the management of human resources in organizations and administrations :

  • Attitudes and emotions at work (organizational commitment, tensions, stress, welfare)
  • Labor dispute / family
  • Organizational behavior (performance, support, deviance, absenteeism, resignation)
  • Occupational identity (organizational and professional identification)
  • Social and financial audit
  • Dirty Work ("Dirty work") and social stigma


MCF – IUT de Tarbes



LAFONT Anne-Laurence


LAPEYRE Alexandre

MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

Research Alexandre Lapeyre focus on three themes. The first relates to the effectiveness of corporate communications involved in sustainable development. The second concerns the sense of financial deprivation consumers and its implications in terms of decision making. The third, more methodological, aims to improve the effectiveness of marketing studies through the detection of individuals little incentive to respond to questionnaires.

Email: alexandre.lapeyre[at]

WOLF Stephanie

MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

Agrégée du second degré en Economie et Gestion, je suis Maître de Conférences en Sciences de Gestion en poste à l’IUT GEA site de Ponsan. I Referente Entrepreneurship Students at my university in the PEPITE-ECRIN program. My work takes place in Strategy and Entrepreneurship. Mes recherches portent sur les stratégies individuelles et collectives des Très Petites Entreprises, notamment dans les secteurs des métiers d’art, de l’artisanat et du secteur coopératif. Très proche de mon terrain de recherche, j’interviens régulièrement auprès d’organismes professionnels et de chambre consulaire. This proximity is also reflected in the commitment in the pulpit "Entrepreneurship, Territoires, Innovation "Catalysis Foundation of the University Paul Sabatier. My latest work developing the links between the individual strategies of TPE and collective strategies which they take part, as well as very small businesses specificities,fr. Fort de l’expérience d’accompagnement des étudiants-entrepreneurs, je développe actuellement des travaux autour de l’émergence des compétences entrepreneuriales lors de la phase de pré-incubation et des facteurs clefs de succès des Business Plan.


MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

My research focuses on two major issues : the effects of aging on individual motivations that have economic consequences (axis 1), understanding of individual behavior in terms of savings (axis 2).
This particular led me to investigate the effects of the report in the future of older people on their economic choices (subject of my thesis). More broadly, My research is part of the study of the mechanisms underlying the effects of demographic variables on the trade-offs between spending and saving and savings choices. More recently these issues have also been applied to methodological issues. All of my research tends to integrate the themes of my lab, the LGCO which includes in particular a thematic focus on marketing.

Email: ziad.malas[at]

MAUMON Nathalie

MCF – ESPE Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées

My research focuses in the field of Digital Marketing and specifically they are focused on consumer behavior vis-à-vis the new virtual reality technologies. Through the Virtual consumer experience provided by this type of technology, I focus on the concepts of immersion and virtual communities (social interactions, rites, etc). This is formalized by a focus on two technological fields belonging to virtual reality : virtual worlds and virtual reality.




My HRM research areas within the socio-technical school that is interested in finding an optimal match between people, techniques and organizations to sustainably establish the best organizational performance.

The work is particularly interested in sustainable motivation to work either through health organization or as part of innovative project group.

In this context, mobilize research models like the MCT, the TADS or Organizational Commitment in a qualitative or quantitative approach.


MCF – IUT A, Also

Constatant que le temps occupe une place croissante dans les problématiques contemporaines, les organisations se voient obligées de l’intégrer dans leurs logiques de gestion. Cette pression temporelle importante se révèle d’autant plus prégnante lorsqu’elle concerne les projets intrapreneuriaux, situés en dehors des activités prescrites courantes, et pour lesquels il n’existe pas de ressources a priori dédiées. Ma thèse se proposait de comprendre en quoi le temps constitue une ressource permettant aux acteurs d’initier et de poursuivre des projets intrapreneuriaux. L’étude empirique menée s’appuyait sur des entretiens et une semaine d’observation participante à une formation-action à l’intrapreneuriat (Coup de pousse®) avec des membres d’un laboratoire de Recherche et Développement d’une grande entreprise française de l’énergie (GDF SUEZ). Mes résultats permettent de souligner la dimension qualitative du temps (variété des formes de temps impliquées dans les composantes du processus intrapreneurial), d’identifier la disponibilité d’esprit comme une qualité centrale du temps, et de qualifier de procactif le comportement intrapreneurial vis à vis des ressources temps (distinction entre temps alloué et temps autosaisi). Dans le prolongement de cette thèse, mes thèmes de recherche portent sur :
– le management de l’innovation et le développement des pratiques intrapreneuriales dans les grandes organisations;
– la gestion du temps comme un élément qui cristallise la tension entre Formel et Informel ;
– l’approche du temps comme une ressource organisationnelle.



MCF - INU Champollion d’Albi

All of my research aims to take into account the issues that local public organizations must face, by seeking to understand them and provide operational managerial responses.

So, my research is focused on the control and management of public organizations, and the transformation of their operating methods. In this direction, I am interested in the management of the performance of local authorities as well as the managerial and strategic management of these organizations, both from a process point of view, only resources, especially heritage.

In addition, the management of public innovation is at the heart of my current work, through the study of the determining factors of innovations, of their adoption and dissemination process, as well as their internal and external impacts.

My scientific approach is based on both qualitative methods, through close relationships with actors in the field (research-interventions, Interviews), but also on quantitative analyzes to carry out broader investigations at national or international level.

Email: yoann.queyroi[at]


MCF – IUT de Tarbes


MCF – IUT GEA Ponsan Toulouse

Through the paradoxes approach, my research is interested in the sustainability of small businesses and the collective strategies they implement to improve it. Small businesses indeed have a considerable societal impact (because of their number) but also more problems than large to deal with the complexity of sustainability issues (due to their specific management features). By focusing too often on the “business case” of CSR, however little research has addressed the paradoxes of sustainability and how companies can manage them. However, the tensions that they induce can just as easily favor the achievement of a more global success as hinder the performances of the actors and their capacity to respond to the challenges. My work therefore aims to answer the following main questions : What paradoxical tensions small businesses face when it comes to sustainability ? What impacts do these tensions have on leaders and their organizations ? Collective strategies, and the management systems on which they are based, do they create favorable conditions for an effective management of these tensions ? What are the implications (positive and negative) of such management ? To decipher the complexity of these issues while measuring the phenomena, complementarity of qualitative and quantitative methods is then operated.

Mots clés : durability tensions, paradox management, VSE / SME, collective strategies, management systems

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Email: mael.sommer[at]

Toumi Kaouther

MCF – IUT A, Also

The aim of my researches is to analyze consequences of the consideration of ethical principles in the financial characteristics of financial firms. More specifically, I study how the consideration of ethical principles could affect their financial decisions process, capital structure, governance, performance and risks profile.

Keys words: Ethical finance, Islamic finance and banking, corporate governance, ethical governance, financial risk management, financial intermediation

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Email: kaouther.toumi[at]

VALUES Marie-Anne


My research in the context of financial accounting and social accounting. They focus on accounting strategies used by leaders in the context of specific operations (downsizing, fusions absorptions, OPA, companies in difficulty). The accounting policies are discussed through results management, the deliberate dissemination of information and narrative impression management. I also do research on the role of the accountant who attends the works councils in reading the information provided by management. More generally, my research tends to examine the link between accounting and human resources.

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Email: marie-anne.verdier[at]

VINCENT Beatrice


My research s & rsquo; in the context of the management of healthcare organizations and focus specifically on cross organizations covered under the & rsquo; angle of governance and coordination of collective action. These questions are similar to those that have been identified within the & rsquo; Association for Research Applied to Health Management Organizations (Plow) and within the & rsquo; International Association for Research in Public Management (AIRMAP).

My work has led to study various network organization models in the health sector : networks formed around the management of patients (health networks, MAIA) or inter-organizational sharing networks (Groupings & rsquo; hospital purchases).

Work on health networks were discussed in terms of the problem of coordinating the different stakeholders around the care of patients, approached from questions about the place of the actors in this coordination : professional actors and coordination activities (1 research contract funded by the CNSA in partnership with MAIA 31 - 2018 - 2019), place and role of caregivers in this coordination process (in partnership with MAIA 31 and the regional center of neurodegenerative diseases). Coordination was also discussed in the & rsquo; angle performance and the impact of governance models of collective action on the performance of cross organizations.

Work on the performance of the purchasing groups, conducted as part of a research partnership with the Regional grouping Garonne Health Products, CH Cahors, helped provide a multidimensional assessment of their performance model, and to highlight the links between governance models of these groups and their performance, as well as the determinants of performance and impact of the pooling of decision processes. Today these research themes continue integrating the impact of changes in territorial governance models on the pooling of health food purchases, with the establishment of Hospitallers Groupings Territories.

Email: beatrice.vincent[at]




Thesis title:

Dissonance ecological resonance : Assessment of innovations in engaging communication of & rsquo; education at & rsquo; environment and sustainable development

Research Objects: Transitions to sustainable lifestyles
– attitudes, representations, behaviours & environmental commitments

The thesis proposes d & rsquo; invest social representations as a conceptual bridge between the sciences of & rsquo; information and communication and social psychology. The theory of & rsquo; commitment and écocitoyenne standard are questioned through the discourse on ecological transition, the imaginary of & rsquo; ecology and ecological behavior. With and for associations & rsquo; education at & rsquo; environment, we try & rsquo; enrich the explanatory models of ecological behavior by situating our individual actions in contexts of & rsquo; jeopardizes collective and mediation. We highlight the levels of meanings and identifications with the & rsquo; work with degrees d & rsquo; s commitment, based on the observation that & rsquo; s actor cognitively filter & rsquo; information intended for it and therefore acts simultaneously on that available to him to act. The engaging communication is in a socially situated communication situation and instituting.


Since his doctorate, Hung M. Nguyen has carried out various interdisciplinary research projects related to the meaning of innovation in social programs and technology, from which he studied how innovation can help mitigate major societal challenges more broadly. More precisely, he is currently focusing on social business models in developing countries and fab labs to improve his doctoral thesis as well as his postdoctoral project. In addition, it also focuses on research questions related to the material and visual turn as well as the spatial turn in organizational studies.
(English) Since his PhD, Hung M. Nguyen has been undertaking different interdisciplinary research projects relating to the meaning of innovation in social programs and technology, from which studying how innovation can contribute to the alleviation of grand societal challenges more broadly. Specifically, he is currently focusing on social business models in developing countries and fab labs to further develop his PhD thesis and postdoctoral project, respectively. In addition, he has also focused on research questions relating to the material and visual turn as well as the spatial turn in organization studies



PhD students



The effects on cooperation and trust of artificial intelligences in a context of job insecurity

Toulouse University 1 Chapters. Under the direction of Anne-Laure Gatignon-Turnau

PhD Student contractual lecturer - TSM, UT1- IUT A Toulouse

Associate Members


Senior Lecturer at Ensfea d'Auzeville


ESC La Rochelle

My research focuses on the measurement of financial assets and & rsquo; explanation of the reaction of investors to financial information. It focuses on some anomalies related to the hypothesis of informational efficiency. My works are related to behavioral finance, including & rsquo; study of & rsquo; impact of cognitive biases on pricing. The studied cognitive biases include overconfidence and the effect of disposal. The experimental method is used to study the behavior of subjects and test the impact of certain biases in securities prices. Other empirical studies are based on actual data (Databases), including the impact of overconfidence on transaction volumes.

Email: mondherbouattour[at]

BIG Bernard

MCF – IUT A, Toulouse

Governance networks of organizations international educational engineering :

International educational engineering networks of organizations working on the creation of a “educational book”, which can be :

  • corporate training plan,
  • an educational curriculum,
  • a network of educational institutions,
  • a comprehensive education system,
  • ...

The operation of such a network of organizations in international educational engineering involves the consideration of governance issues and organizational, related to the cooperation of different partners sometimes very different cultures : Northern countries, from the South, developed economies, emerging economies, University Culture, Culture of business, etc. It can be public administrations, university educational institutions, Expert education, business, major donors (European Union, World Bank, ...), etc.
This is work from the specifications defined by the client, which is the structure or the beneficiary countries of the book (often a country emerging economy in South), Project carrier entity, and under the coordination of the project manager, which carries out the design and conducted the operations.
This cooperation of network partners around the project turns out very delicate General, mainly considering the diversity of approach arising from cultural differences which are mentioned above.
The purpose of this research is :

  • d & rsquo; analyze network operation, and in particular malfunctions and causes malfunction,
  • then model operation,
  • then optimize it for it to reach its objectives in the best possible.

Email: bernard.gros[at]

Zhao Yang Pan

MCF – IUT de Tarbes